First...we have Wazzub the page that promises a lot of money, the only thing we have to do is invite can sign in and read more: HERE

Now ...we have the PTC system...or pay to click by their'll be paid for see ads and reference people..

you can choose for any of the nexts servers. I'd suggest to register in all of them (more servers = more dollars).

My favorites are in the top of the list...(and remember! more servers = more and fast money!!)

Little detaill, servers are listed acording to their relevance, the one in the top is the best one, the followers don't reach it, yet they are good and make you get profit!!

Some servers pay more than others, so, pay really attention to that. Some pay even to 1 cent!!! instead of 0,1 cent, like others...choosing servers is of great matter at the moment of earning money!

One truly defect this sistem has, is tha fact the you have to wait untill you get to make tones of money, but fortunately not much effort is needed. All you require is a bit of patience!

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